We buy land
Do you have land for sale?
Land that we can buy and use to build new homes?
img2Or maybe you own a potential development opportunity and you are not quite sure about its potential. It could be a disused factory or other commercial or industrial land or farmland. If you think that property may have potential, tell us about it and we can tell you if it’s what we are looking for. Our land-buying team is empowered to consider opportunities and – if we think they are right for us we are able – to make offers promptly. We are looking for sites that will enable us to provide affordable, quality developments. A main board director is involved in every transaction to ensure that the necessary approvals are obtained from the outset, enabling us to move quickly when we spot an opportunity.

We are particularly interested in:

  • Garages
  • Car parks
  • Old pub or hotels
  • Institutional buildings
  • Builders merchants/yards
  • Large and dated residential dwellings
  • Redundant factory/warehouse/office premises

We are eager to agree partnerships with landowners, local authorities and other public sector bodies and generous introductory commissions will be paid by agreement. By achieving the most appropriate mix of product in each location, we deliver the optimum return for our partners.

If you are aware of available land for development, please fill in the form below:

    Complete This Form To Get A Guaranteed Offer On Your Land Now!

    Name *

    Best Contact Number *

    Reason For Selling


    How quick do you need to sell? *

    Address and Postcode *

    Estimated Value (£) *
    (Numbers only e.g. 149000)

    Secured Debt (£)
    (Mortgage + Secured Loans)

    Accept a discount for a 28 day sale?
